Mid-pregnancy update

Its already passed 5 months.

Early pregnancy quite challenging. Having bad morning sickness even in evening 😬.

Almost everynight, baby received kisses from his/her brothers especially Harith. Ersyad jual mahal sikit but when he is in the mood, I pun cair..Sanggup tahan mengantuk tengok Ersyad care of the baby and myself 🤭🤭
Previously during 1 st trimester, can't do much. Have to rest all time at home. My Charming did everything. Can see he's really tired but still I seek attention from him 😅. But, recently start to go to office as my manager was warded and have been sick..So, I'm taking in charge 😎😎😎. Quite tired but it helps regulate my emotions so much.

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Ak kalau ada stock pregnancy test, mmg suka nk test beberapa hari sebelum period. This time ak test abou 4 days before estimation period date. Tiba-tiba ternampaklah garis kedua yg sangat2 samar lps few minuters. Haa!! Alamak, tp sebab terlampau samar n lambat keluar line ni, ak decide xnk berharap dulu..Esok pagi ak try lg.

Dah few months dah try to get new baby, xtaulah hati ni rasa nk sangat tambah baby. Hubby kata sebab org sekeliling ramai dpt baby baru kot. Hurmm, mungkin juga..tapi doa kt Allah, kalau ak dan suami memang mampu pada ketika ini dari segala segi, kurniakanlah zuriat ke-3. Ak ni risau juga takut makin berumur nnt, komplikasi lg mcm2 or ak jd selesa sgt n xnk tambah baby baru ke..huhu, who knows right?

Balik pada citer tadi, esok test lg, sama mcm smlm, result tu sgt samar. Maka, ak pn mcm biasalah, mulakannoperasi membeli beberapa pregnancy test beza brand dan harga..so, after few test, confirm mmg pregnant 🤭🤭😁😁😁😁💯

Next step, fikir nk bgtau hubby bila n mcm mn? nak wt surprise ke mcm mana..1-2 hari je fikir, last bgtau juga esok mlm tu with no expenses at all..guna apa yg ada kt rumah. Siap soh hubby pakai baju dl, sebelum panggil masuk bilik, sbb nk rakam 🤣


Set up table in my room, give some warm environment with the light and on aircond. Kemudian call him in. Kt sini xleh nak upload video. Yes he is surprised and ask serious s**tlah? carut pula dia ni..hahaha.
He is so excited, sitting right next to the table calling Harith and Ersyad to show the picture on table 🤭. Really love to see his response 🥰🥰

Teringatlah alkisah patutlah asyik rasa x sihat je sejak malam raya..badan cepat letih, rs nak demam. This time, penangan dia mmg lain mcm. 2 pregnancy sblm ni sangat minimal symptom2 yg dirasai tu 🤭. Everyday will experience nausea, tiredness and leg cramping. Pray Allah always gives His blessings to this baby supaya lahir dengan sihat.

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Sebelum ni, aku pernah ditugaskan untuk sediakan dokumen2 untuk masuk tender.

Tapi mungkin aku berguru dengan orang yang salah. Kami x dapat tender tu.

Di hari kemudian, aku dengar ada nak masuk tender. Tapi kepercayaan x diberikan pada aku. Aku redha. Bila orang atas tahu yang aku tahu tentang hal tu, mereka kata minta aku monitor. Tapi, aku tahu tu kata-kata untuk memujuk hati aku. Aku pun x adalah nak masuk campur sangat.

Apabila dokumen2 invitation to tender diterima. Aku tanyalah juga jika perlukan bantuan aku. Tapi PIC kata ok je tinggal dokumen2 dari staf yang blm dibuat. Sehingga 2 hari sebelum, katanya tinggal susun2 dokumen. Aku pun beri kepercayaan aku sahaja. Mungkin salah aku, aku x periksa. Tapi aku pun xnk micromanage sbb dia pun org lama, pengalaman dia lagi besar. Atas dasar rasa hormat, aku x adalah nk persoalkan apa2.

Sehari sebelum tarikh hantar tender, dia beri checklist pada aku dan detail dokumen untuk aku semak. Maka, aku pun tolong semak. Aku terdiam kejap. Sungguh banyak dokumen yang belum buat. YA, dokumen yang memang sedia ada, mungkin kau dah ada tapi dokumen2 yang kau kena create, semua x ada. Di depan aku hanya ada tender yang siap ala kadar.

Bila ditanya, katanya...alaa, tolak 1 markah je..yg tu tolak 1 markah je..xpe x ada..

Aku tak tau dia fikir mcm mana. Kau tau x kt luar tu org berebut2 nak dapatkan tender. Kau pula macam melepaskan batuk di tangga.

Akhir cerita, kami hantar dokumen, ya semua dokumen ada tapi dalam keadaan x siap seperti yang dikehendaki.

Kau rasa kenapa penting kau perlu buat ni dengan baik? Kalau kita dah usaha sehabis baik, kita boleh kata itu memang bukan rezeki kita. Tapi bila kau buat sambil lewa, memang kau sebenarnya memohon untuk kegagalan.

Cuba fikir, kalau x dapat tender tu, apa blh jadi? Income company kurang kan. So, apa kesannya?

- Pekerja tidak dinaikkan gaji

- Pekerja boleh dibuang kerja

- Kewangan syarikat nampak tidak baik - susah nak dapatkan tender2 lain

- Perkembangan syarikat pn terbatas

dan macam2 lagi..


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How I learn most of the time

If there is no other commitments, I would have do this all day long..

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DAY 1 in new Pre-School and Playschool

Boys in early Morning

Its their first day school for 2020.

After 1 year in Little Caliph, decided to change Harith to TADIKA NALURI Kreatif.
Reasons for doing so is:
1. Better environment as its a landed house (more outdoor activities)
2. Harith seems not too excited going to Little Caliph after few months
3. There are other boys that Harith always state as the reasons he doesn't want to go to school
I really hope he will enjoy this pre-school through the year

cerita sebelum sampai, tertidur on the way

advance betul, thumb print gi school

Tarikan utama yg berjaya buat Harith nk school sini

Berpeluh2 main
This is what we call kids activity

Untuk Ahmad Ersyad pula, lepas ting tong sana sini, decided untuk hantar Future Totz Childcare Centre.
This was Harith's nursery before he went for pre-school.
They help a lot with Harith's gadget addiction (due to staying with grandparents).
After try my best to allocate the budget, manage to get Ersyad here as well.
The best part is, they changing it to playschool starting this year and its suit my heart's will well.

Before going by himself, I put both my sons here through Dec 2019, hoping Ersyad can adapt well with the new environment.
But of course he still cry every morning..just have to face it as currently he's having his separation anxiety phase.
It is my intention to expose him with lots of exposure that can stimulate his development well.
I really hope this effort worth.

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Its 2020
Image result for 2020

I put a meaning in this pic and choose it.
You can see how 0, 2, and 0 leaning on each other with a solid base of '2'.
So, if our base or we can take it as AZAM is strong enough, everything will keep standing eventhough not straight enough.

I had never have AZAM actually in my life previously.
Starting this year, I want to make a strong AZAM and purpose of life.

This blog will be the diary of my upcoming journey. Keeping all the memories that will make a better me.

So, my AZAM is simple.
I want to become a better person who always see myself as a success woman either as a person, a servant, a wife, a mother and even in my work path.

LIFE will not make it easy for us but we can make it easy when we start to control our destiny.

I pray so much that, all those dark days will not haunting me again as I want a better life with my family.

Image result for bismillah


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Main ke Belajar?

Last 2 weeks, me n husband pergi parenting seminar.

Its about how to deal with our children through their childhood.
One of the speaker keep highlighting the importance of play for the children.
And she doesn't agree that parents keep highlight the academic needs since young.

As for me, I do agree, our children need to play. Its their time to play.
And I always belief that we learn much more through play.
Yup its good for their EQ. Yes, EQ is very important..but we can't neglect the IQ part..
Somehow, they support each other in many ways.

For me, those with good EQ but low on IQ can survive if they on their own only
and those with good IQ but low on EQ can also survive but MORE STRUGGLE
but those with good EQ and good IQ can benefit others even the community so much more..
Its really difficult to explain or get my thought out on this particular things..
Its just something that you need to experience

Its undeniable that PLAY are for children but we must consider other aspect as well.
In the developed country, this concept is applicable. But for our country, which is a developing country where the citizens still struggling to earn a cents, where its still using the old-style education system, only Play will not work.

one thing we must remember, among children pun ada semangat kompetitif, ada perasaan ingin diterima di kalangan rakan-rakan sebaya.
In Malaysia, darjah 1 dah perlu membaca dan kenal nombor..so, secara x langsung, parents akan target untuk perkara tu.
Just imagine, bila kita terapkan main sahaja...no exposure to alphabets and numbers, masuk sekolah, when they see that their friends already know numbers and alphabets even reading and to calculate, how would they feel about themselves? belum hadap budak2 yg jenis mengejek lagi...all these does effect their EQ during that time...So? 

For me, the concept betul tp kita kena sesuaikan dengan environment kita..
contoh mcm kids in the war country, kita dah saksikan, budak 5-6 tahun dah pandai pegang all kind of guns..with the tactical move and byk lagi...kita nk kata mereka salah ke? parents mereka salah ke?

So, sesuaikanlah..

Sekarang kita banyak pilihan, tadika yang terapkan belajar dalam bermain pn dah banyak...
tak memaksa mereka untuk tahu semua, tp at least kita dah exposed them to things that required in our system..

Masing2 ada cara sendiri dalam mentafsir dan mengaplikasikan..x minta terima my way of thinking because everyone have their own pertimbangan dalam membuat keputusan n I respect that because I know niat semua sama, nk beri yang terbaik..

Oklah, hope bermanfaat..nk bla dah..office nk tutup.

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