I and my husband always fight over Chinese ancient drama (my favorite) and Tamil drama (his favorite). He is the one who always start it. While watching the drama (fighting scene), he will said, these Chinese drama always over react. Just a punch, and the blood spill out like a gallon. And I said back, its still can be accepted than the Tamil drama. I said to him, in Tamil drama, how hard the guy being punched, then fall from high place, hit by a car and etc; but he still ok. That what we call 'no logic'.
Almost every ancient chinese drama, there will be a scene where the actor/actress will bite their tongue in order to kill themselves. And 100% they will die immediately. Watching this just now (currently watching Legend of Hao Lan), reminded me of a patient during my housemanship in medical department 5 years ago.
During my tagging night around 10pm (I'm about to leave), the nurse suddenly call me saying the patient was biting his tongue and lot of bloods coming out. The patient was a post coma patient, at the time, her whole body was paralyze. I attend to her and saw her tongue was cut and bleeding. I asked the staff nurse to suction out the blood. At the same time, we put the oropharyngeal airway (or guedel) to prevent her from keep biting her tongue but she kept push the guedel out using her tongue. The last thing we did was tape in the guedel to her mouth and put gauzes to the side.

I was very mad at the time. I raised a bit of my voice and ask the patient to stop fighting our effort to stop her bleeding. Then, after a while, she stop (I think, she got tired). Then, while waiting for my MO to come, I sat at the nurse centre. They said that, the patient always try to bite her tongue as she want to die faster. Previously, during in ICU, her husband comes almost every day. But after few months, her husband rarely come and now only come once a week or biweekly.
My MO come and just ask if everything is ok. As I remembered, she did not go to the patient. She only do the report clerking based on our story to the computer. I really sad to see this kind of MO. Even in her management plan, she does not include to refer to psychologist or psychiatry department (I already suggest to her). After she went back to whereever she come (As I know, there are no other urgent cases she need to attend at the time). Then, I chart my part of reporting. I state in my management, to refer the patient to psychology department and to monitor her hourly as she was losing lots of bloods just now.
Then, I went to the patient bed. I gave her some advice. For whatever happened, u can be sad, u can cry out loud, but please don't harm or try to kill yourselves. Allah gave you this test, and you're getting lot of pahala for this. By killing yourselves, you will just go straight to the hell. Is it worth? I may not know or felt her pain at the time. I know she felt hopeless. In addition she was losing her moral support. Then, I said to her. I don't know what u feel about your husband, but there could be so many reason for him to come only one time a week. But to ease your thought, think positively. Maybe, he have lots of work need to be done back home. Maybe there are other problem that he can't tell you as he doesn't want to burden you. So, keep istighfar. Then, I saw her take a breath and I can see her cooling down. After about 15 minutes, I came back to her bed, and I can see her sleeping calmly. Then only, I went back home (Tomorrow need to punch in before 7am)
I'm not bragging out
its just my satisfaction