Restart blogging

Macam biasa..lama dah x usik blog ni..
Ak ingat lepas ni nk start berblogging regularly..
As ak ni banyak benda nk luah..tapi x ada yang nk melayan..
Ooh ye, as ak nk improve semula English ak. jadi ak akan speaking ya di sini.

For the start, I will recap my Ramadhan 1440H journey
1. Ersyad was admitted on 5th of Ramadhan for 5 nights with diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis. Was started on Flixotide inhaler.

2. Ersyad and Harith was admitted on 18th of Ramadhan for 4 nights with same diagnosis.

3. Having the big family iftar at Hospital on 20th of Ramadhan (D4 of admission)

As for Syawal, we are very grateful that we can celebrate the Eid outside from the hospital. This year is Adam's turn for Eid. So, went back to Penang for 5 days.

Having 7 days staying together with his cousins, Harith having wild habit as well. Not saying my son is better but before he is very soft and gentle but like to disturb his friends once in a while. After the cousin's exposure, he like to push and kick his brother or other kids. I'm really sad on this. Need to polish him back.

Its different for being weak and being soft. Its also different for being strong and being rough.
For me, having too much small kids and being out of control is not an excuse to let you child act roughly at their will. If you can't manage, control your childbirth space in the future (Sorry for the harshness). I really hate when my in-laws said that my sons are weak or said my husband is a loser even they just meant to joke. But I as in-law just can make a poker face.

During this Eid, I'm being really upset for all the sudden change of plan + my son being bullied + long in-transport-time. Its exhausting body and mind. But, that is the nature when we are having our time with others. Not everyone want to compensate with others. Sometimes their selfishness kill others joy.

The last thing to do is, just forgave all.

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