Hari ni tengok FB, ramai pula post n matchkan diri dengan personality by bahasa tubuh.
So, ak nk tengok ak punya. (Ak x bahas semua, letak yg ak punya je, nk tgk korg punya, boleh tekan link)
Tangan (tekan sini untuk korg punya):

Yg ni ak no 2
If you like to fold your arms with your left hand resting on top of your right arm, then you're a pragmatic person who likes to look at things logically, not letting your feelings color your judgment. You like to carefully analyze problems before you make a decision.
You're known among your friends for your intelligence and quick wit, and you can make a room burst into laughter with your sarcastic one-liners. You're incredibly sharp and can see through lies instantly, making it hard for people to deceive you or cheat you.
Your suave approach to courting makes people fall head-over-heels in love with you because of your smooth pick-up lines and cool personality make you quite the catch. Your partners connect with you on an intellectual level, and you enjoy the deep conversations you can have with them.
Kaki (tekan sini untuk korg punya):

Yg ni aku posisi C, x sopan kn? hahahha
Posisi C..Individu ini mementingkan keselesaan. Tidak berfikiran terburu – buru dan kebiasaannya mereka akan berfikir panjang sehingga mengambil masa berhari – hari sebelum membuat keputusan. Ini keranan mereka ingin semuanya sempurna dan berjalan dengan lancar.Kehidupan mereka biasanya tidak teratur namun mereka tahu bagaimana untuk mengatur hidup mereka. Mempunyai masalah untuk memberi tumpuan kerana fikiran mereka sering mengembara.
Lines on palm (garis di tapak tangan) (tekan sini untuk korg punya):

Yg ni aku Equal
You tend to strive for balance in your life. You have an intrinsic motivation to do things right and comfort people when times are dark and bleak.
If such is the alignment on your palms, you are likely to be very gentle in your relationships. Your sensitivity will likely build a strong foundation for your romance and your partner will love it.
Due to this tendency, you often wait for your partner to make the first move. If they are the right one, then your relationship will be magical for a long time.
Shape of Thumb (tekan sini untuk korg punya):

Aku rasa this one more to C, tp ada D juga sikit
Utk C - Equal upper & lower halves
If your thumb fits in this category then you're the perfect disciple of the yin-yang theory of life. You strive to live in harmony and try your fullest to get people together to the middle ground. Balance is one of the core elements you live your life by, and nothing else other than finding the perfect equilibrium would suffice your desire.
You're naturally inclined towards finding a perfect balance in anything and everything you do, and you strongly believe that for each and every action there's an equal opposite reaction. Thus you go through your life believing that for every bad, there's a good; for every negative, there's a positive; and for every setback, there's a way ahead. It wouldn't be wrong to say that your primary aim is to attain physical, spiritual, and emotional harmony.
Utk D - Flexible
If you have a flexible thumb, then you've been given the ultimate gift of adaptation. You're very flexible in nature and are able to change with the needs of the time, thus making you a natural born survivor. Moreover, you're the first one to sense a changing situation and change accordingly with it.
One of the most important traits of your personality is that you are extremely empathetic. People feel very comfortable in sharing their views with you as you are always open to seeing other's perspectives, and acknowledge what they have to say. It's this quality of adapting to the changing scenarios that makes you a perfect survivor.
Middle finger line (tekan sini)

Ni lebih kepada menunjukkan how I'm dealing with people who mess with me
So, for this one, ak punya B
You're the most cheerful and happy person around, kind to everyone who treats you well. However, once someone tries to mess with you, boy are they in big trouble. You have zero tolerance for bulls**t and will do anything to ensure that justice is served.
Perhaps your biggest resource is that you are able to play your enemies' game and beat them at it. You match wit for wit, blow for blow, and find ways to beat them on their own turf, humiliating them and ensuring that they never mess with you again.
You're the champion of the weak and a warrior of justice for those who cannot fight for themselves, and your boldness and courage are your strongest weapons, taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. However, people often underestimate you because of how nice you are as a person, giving you the element of surprise to lead with.
Ok r tu, kalau jumpa lagi yg lain, ak masuk lg nnt..hahaha
Overall, about 70-80% suits my real character, before it is affected by my depression.
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